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What’s new with The Vault

You may or may not have heard about one of the CDC’s most useful resources – the Vault! As I stated in my previous Vault post in November, the Vault is an way you can gain in-depth intelligence on people’s experiences in a certain industry, company or profession—and on how to set yourself up to land that job. As stated on their website’s “About Us”, Vault’s “influential company rankings, ratings and reviews are sourced and verified through ongoing directed surveys of active employees and enrolled students. Vault also welcomes current and previous employees and students who were unable to participate in the surveys, to submit reviews on their experiences, salaries, interviews and more.” In order to gain access to the vault, you can sign up through Bucknell after adding the My Career Center gadget (on the left of MyBucknell, “Add a Gadget”, “My Career Center”) and create an account!

I felt prompted to write about the Vault’s newest guidebooks titles and updates from this week! Titles range from Vault Career Guide to Energy, Vault Career Guide to the Internet and Social Media, Vault Career Guide to Insurance, Vault Career Guide to Advertising, Vault Career Guide to Accounting, Vault Career Guide to Public Relations and Vault Career Guide to Pharmaceuticals and Biotech, which are all newer areas of guidance tailored to the newer generation, namely for us Millennials!

Each Vault Career Guides offers an insider’s perspective on what’s happening in these industries, what it takes to break in, and how to progress your career. Each volume provides a comprehensive overview of the industry and expert advice and tips for uncovering job opportunities, networking, preparing your cover letter and resume, interviewing, and keeping current on industry news and trends. Interviews and case studies guides offer behind-the-scenes glimpses of what hiring managers look for in a candidate and how others have succeeded in landing their jobs or advancing their careers. This information will definitely give you that extra edge when you are prepping! Basically, these guides place you in the shoes of an established professional, and an extensive glossary and resource list place all the industry knowledge you need to succeed at your fingertips!

In essence, the Vault provides supplementary help to those of you navigating through the daunting world of career search in addition to the Career Development Center – no appointment necessary! J   Do not hesitate to capitalize on useful resources such as the Vault!

This post was written and researched by Bucknell Sophomore Sophie Hattery.

Explore the Vault, and links to all our Bucknell Subscriptions, here:

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