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Recent Alumnae in Literary Publishing: A Career Panel

Recent Alumnae in Literary Publishing: A Career Panel
Friday, January 29, Noon – 1 p.m., ELC Walls Lounge
Lunch provided, RSVP required by 1/25

This lunchtime panel discussion will examine the career paths of three alumnae of the West Branch Internship program who currently work in the literary publishing industry: Kate Berner ’12, Mary Coyne ’11, and Janine Le ’09. Come and hear their perspectives as they discuss their work, describe their paths from Bucknell, and offer advice to job seekers. The conversation will include a question and answer period.

Sponsored by West Branch, the Stadler Center for Poetry, the English Department, and the Career Development Center. 

Learn more about our panelists:

BernerKate Berner ’12 graduated from Bucknell with degrees in Anthropology & English (with a concentration in Creative Writing). After Bucknell, she interned for a literary agency and a publishing house that focused on current affairs, politics, and history. Currently, she works as a Lecture Agent at the Knopf Doubleday division of Penguin Random House where she organizes paid speaking engagements for authors like Edwidge Danticat, Jane Smiley, and Emily St. John Mandel. She is from Long Island and lives in New York City.

Mary CoyneMary Coyne ’11 graduated from Bucknell with BA in Spanish and English, with a Creative Writing concentration. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, she moved to New York after graduation to pursue a career in book publishing. After two years in the publicity department at Penguin Random House’s Crown Publishing Group, she moved to Boston to work as an editor at BookBub, a startup focused on ebook discovery and marketing.

Janine Le

Janine Le ’09 completed NYU’s Summer Publishing Institute in 2009 and then interned at Sterling Lord Literistic. Since 2010, she has been employed at Sheldon Fogelman Agency, a literary agency representing children’s book authors and illustrators.

How do I RSVP on the Bridge?
1. Log on through on Quick Links (CDC) or my Career Center on myBucknell.
2. In top blue bar, go to Events > CDC Programs.
3. Use keyword or date to search for program. Select RSVP

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