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3 Tips To Welcome You Back To Campus

Welcome back, after what was hopefully a relaxing and enjoyable winter break! The campus just wasn’t the same without you here. I could find parking but missed the New York Times; I could find a treadmill but missed the fitness classes; I could find a table at the Bison but missed fighting the crowd…err OK not really on that one but in short…we missed all of you!

And now classes begin tomorrow and, if you haven’t started already, now is a good time to get moving on your internship or job search. Here’s three tips to get you started:

  1. Get ready for the Internship & Job Fair!
    We hope you brought your suit back because it’s time for the annual January Internship (and now Job!) Fair on January 25th from 11:00 – 2:30 pm in Davis Gym. Last year we had over 60 employers come back in late January for this opportunity to meet and interact with current Bucknellians and we are on par to hit the same mark this year. Make sure to check out all the surrounding events on the BRIDGE; including special employer information sessions, resume reviews, fair prep workshops and more! Make sure to check out the registered employers
  2. Get access to the Alumni Directory…even if you aren’t a senior!
    Have you heard? You can now get alumni directory access even if you are not a senior! Seniors have all received automatic access to the directory starting this semester but now, if you are an industrious junior, sophomore or first year you don’t have to wait until January of your graduation year. Learn how you can get access to the directory now and start making connections!
  3. Update your profile in the BRIDGE
    A lot of time we get emails from alumni asking for certain majors for great opportunities and we can’t tell you about them unless you update your profile on the BRIDGE. This will help us make sure you get the information on jobs, internships or special programs that will interest you!

Good luck and here’s to a great Spring Semester! We look forward to working with ALL of you!

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