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50 Ways to Leave Your Lover and Other Things

Just like there are 50 ways to leave your lover there are 50 ways to use Twitter as a job search tool.

I know that many of you have not jumped on the tweeting bandwagon with quite the same enthusiasm as Facebook but, if I’ve said it once I’ve said it *50* times, you shouldn’t ignore Twitter. Every where I turn these days people are talking about Twitter. Just yesterday in the New York Times there was an article discussing how to use Twitter for work, not diversion.

Among other things Twitter is increasingly becoming a place to help with the job search. This article breaks down how to use Twitter for your job search in 50 easy steps.

The article points out that “Everyday more people are using Twitter to find jobs. Not only are people on Twitter to look for jobs but employers are also looking for people to hire. Some are on Twitter specifically to recruit. Twitter can be a very lucrative way to search for a job, get involved with the community and help others out. Use it while you search for jobs in other, more typical ways and you will land the job you have always been looking for.”

Here are 50 ways to use Twitter as a job search tool.

And for those of you who have not gotten my reference, here are 50 ways to leave your lover…


And although you may not need 50 ways to do anything right now, let alone leave a lover, knowing your options never hurts.

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