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What are you going to do with your life?

When you are unsure of the path your education is going to lead you, not only can frustration set it quickly, but so can disappointment and the feeling of failure. As sailors had a method to navigate the mass expanse of the oceans blue, we too have many methods that can be helpful when trying to navigate career paths.
Take advantage of the FREE self assessment tools the Career Development Center has to offer, such as The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey, the Self Directed Search and the Strong Interest Inventory. These tools help you to:
  • Find out what you are really interested in doing with your life. Learn about your interests, skills and personality type, and how these factors may effect your chances for success within a chosen career area.
  • Explore how to match your interests and skills to specific careers; research occupations and find out if a graduate degree is necessary.

Being confused hits hard and the fear of the unknown is one of the scariest, whether you are a freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or even beyond. Just because you declare a major doesn’t mean your future is set in stone.

One way of avoiding this catastrophic realization that you’re just not sure where you want to be is by coming to the CDC for an assessment test. For example, the Strong Interest Inventory instrument (given by the Career Services – FREE), is one great way to help you navigate through these questions. It helps categorize where your abilities are the strongest, it reveals how you think and solve problems, and relates these results to different career paths, some of which may surprise and intrigue you! The Strong test is just one of many that we have available for students to take.

Stop in, call, or email to set up an assessment test!

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