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What’s Your Story….for the Summer

Imagine you’re sitting in front of a possible employer or internship host 3-4 months from now and they ask “What did you do last summer?”.  How will you respond?  What story will you tell?  This is a summer like no other, and whether you’re worried about a canceled internship or wondering what the best option for you is, I encourage you to fast forward and think about what your responses will say about you as an employee.  What will you tell people about the way you responded to the curve balls being thrown your way?  Now more than ever, the way in which you are responding to these challenges and talking about your experiences will be front and center.

You land an internship.  Awesome! How did it go?

You complete a micro-internship.  Cool! What did you work on?

You volunteer in your community.  Great! What impact did you have on the community?

You took care of your younger siblings so your parent(s) could continue working.  Wonderful! What challenges did you face?

You got a part-time job. Nice! What were you doing?

You took summer classes.  Lovely! What motivated you to take those classes?

You found LinkedIn learning opportunities to improve your skills (technical, language, presentations, etc.). Sweet!  How do you want to use them?

You networked with alumni and people in fields that you are looking to explore. Fantastic! What did you learn?

We’re all going through this together, but we each have unique experiences..  So whether you are looking to start your Plan A summer or are trying to figure out your Plan C or D summer, you have the power to begin writing your story now, with the way you are adjusting, adapting and growing amidst all that is happening.  No matter what you decide to do, it’s valid.  It’s up to you to write the story you tell about it.

If you are feeling stressed about summer plans or want help shaping your summer story, reach out to the Center for Career Advancement to talk with a Career Coach about your unique situation. Request an appointment.

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