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December Grad School Digest: Columbia & Tufts

The Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy is a twelve-month program that combines Columbia University’s hands-on approach to teaching public policy and administration with the Earth Institute’s pioneering thinking about the environment, educating today’s environmental leaders for a sustainable tomorrow.

The program trains sophisticated public managers and policymakers, who apply innovative, systems-based thinking to environmental issues. The program challenges students to think systemically and act pragmatically. To meet this challenge, we offer a high-quality graduate program in management and policy analysis that emphasizes practical skills and is enriched by ecological and planetary science.

There is a new fellowship for students in the program – The School of International and Public Affairs, Environmental Sustainability Fellows will be awarded for the first time by the Master of Public Administration in Environmental Science and Policy program for the academic year 2012-2013. Environmental Sustainability Fellows will receive $20,000 each towards their tuition.

Deadlines to apply for the program: Fellowship consideration deadline: January 15; Final application deadline: February 15

Tufts University is announcing an innovative program between the Education, Mathematics, and Physics departments to help math, science, and engineering students go into secondary school teaching: the NSF Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program at Tufts University.  The program provides a full scholarship to Tuft’s graduate Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program, as well as financial support and mentoring during their first four years of teaching in high-needs middle and high schools.

For more information and how to apply visit: and

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