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Infograph: What to wear and not to wear for an Interview (or career fair)

I was watching Millionaire Matchmaker (don’t judge) and she was “evaluating” this one poor girl and she had her take off her pantyhose right in front of her and said, “Don’t ever wear pantyhose, ever.” And it made me realize why so many people are confused on what to wear for interviewing and/or career fairs. On the one hand pantyhose are not in style but on the other hand they are professional. So I realize the mixed messaging you are getting out there for what’s appropriate and there has never been a greater mystery for college students than trying to figure out what to wear to an interview. So with Expo coming up (9/20), and the age old question of what to wear still looming (despite our numerous attempts) I sought answers in the only place I know: Google. And low-and-behold an angel from the Rasmussen career center appeared with an Infograph (my personal favorite way of getting information) on “What to wear (and what not to wear) to an interview” to which I will add – or career fair!
Rasmussen College

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