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December Grads: 5 Misconceptions Entry-Level Job Seekers Make

I came across this great, short and sweet article from Heather R. Huhman’s blog and thought I’d share her quick tips. For those December grads these 5 points are really good to keep in mind as you find yourself in the “real world” now, but these aren’t only good for December grads so seniors listen up!

I remember when I was an entry-level job seeker…seems like only yesterday! In the early days, I definitely made all of the following misconceptions (and more):

1. Your cover letter and resume are about you.

Nope. In fact, you should use the word “I” as little as possible in your cover letter, and not at all in your resume. Both documents are about what you can do for the employer.

2. HR professionals and recruiters are on your side.

Not even close. Both work for and are paid by the employer. It is in your best interest to know this earlier rather than later. (As you might have guessed, I learned later.)

3. Your online presence doesn’t matter.

Umm, wrong! Are there companies out there that won’t check up on you? Sure. Do they make up the majority? Nope. More than half of employers not only check you out online, but also make a decision based on your presence before even meeting you. Do you want to take that chance?

4. If you don’t get the offer, you did something wrong.

There are so many considerations that go into the hiring process. If you don’t get an offer you were really hoping for, my best advice is to consider it “meant to be.” You don’t want to be in a position that isn’t a good fit, trust me.

5. A job opening doesn’t exist unless it’s posted online somewhere.

Those “hidden” jobs you keep hearing about? They aren’t urban legends — they do exist! Or at least they will once you’ve identified an organization’s need and positioned yourself as the perfect solution.

What other misconceptions have you come across that plague entry-level job seekers?

This post is part of the Career Collective effort founded by Miriam Salpeter and Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter. Other contributions this month include:

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