Do you plan on participating in the EXTERNSHIP PROGRAM?
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to job shadow a professional over winter break.
WHO CAN APPLY? The Class of 2012
WHAT IS AN EXTERNSHIP? A short term (usually 2 day) career shadowing experience sponsored by a Bucknell alum, parent, or friend of the University.
WHEN DO EXTERNSHIPS TAKE PLACE? During the week of January 4-8, 2010. (Unless otherwise stated by sponsor or arranged due to student needs.)
WHY SHOULD I APPLY FOR AN EXTERNSHIP? Why not? The program provides students an opportunity to learn about a career area of their choice during winter break without the commitment of a full-time, summer-long internship, and with the guidance of a sponsor excited to be participating in the program!
HOW DO I APPLY? 1) Attend a mandatory Orientation Session (some sessions were held last spring), 2) have your resume critiqued by the CDC, and 3) utilize the BRIDGE to submit a resume and statement of interest for up to 6 externships.
Orientation sessions
Thursday, Oct 8, 12 noon
Thursday, Oct 15, 5pm
Wednesday, Oct 21, 5pm
Thursday, Oct 22, 12 noon
–All sessions will be held in the LC, 3rd floor Gallery Theatre
Check out: for more information or contact
Missy Gutkowski, Assistant Director, Alumni Relations Career Development- Program Dir.-Externships
at 570-577-1238 or