Emma Yost ‘20
Brigham & Women’s Hospital – Brigham Research Institution
Jamaica Plain, MA
Laura Kinney ’81 & Arthur Maidman BPIP Internship Fund
Major: Biology
What is the most interesting or important thing you took from your Internship this summer?
I have always know that medicine is both intellectually and emotionally challenging; however, in OB/GYN I did not think the emotional challenges would be too tough. I was naive to think that all labors and deliveries went smoothly and resulted in healthy babies. No matter how good the doctor this is not the case. I have challenged myself to embrace these experiences because I have been able to see how the doctors work under this pressure and how many of these instances end up being positive. I have leaned that in order to be a great doctor you need to have resilience and compassion as well as the skill. Being able to see this in action, I hope to become the greatest doctor that I can possibly be.
My experience at the Brigham has been wonderful. I have had the opportunity to work alongside and shadow some of the most amazing doctors and surgeons in the country. The research that I have been able to participate in has given me hands-on clinical experience that I might not have had otherwise. I worked with the OB/GYN department doing research on fetal cord blood. Our research focuses on identifying different levels of lactate within fetal umbilical cord blood in the presence of distress/lack of oxygen. This distress can lead to detrimental effects on the fetus so being able to identify this earlier would be beneficial.
How did the BPIP Fund help make your experience possible?
I was given the opportunity to take this position; however, it was unpaid and far away from my home in New Jersey. I had to take this opportunity because the combination of hands on clinical experience does not present itself frequently to undergraduate students. BPIP made it possible for me to head to Boston and to enjoy my summer doing something that I love and have learned so much from.
Why would you recommend the BPIP Fund?
I would recommend BPIP to anyone because it gives you the ability to follow your dreams. Many public sector opportunities are unpaid; however the opportunity is so great and Bucknell makes it possible for students to participate.
More about Emma: Emma is from Madison, NJ and is very involved at Bucknell as a member of the Bucknell Offbeats, part of new Student Orientation, Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, and a Student Assistant at Bucknell Alumni Office.
More about BPIP: The BPIP Internship Fund is a competitive summer internship program that provides $3,000 scholarship to selected undergraduate students who have secured unpaid internships in the nonprofit, and public service sectors. Information sessions will be held throughout the academic year and the deadline is mid-March. Students must have secured an internship before the deadline.