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Using Your Thanksgiving Break

Besides napping, eating, and binge watching Netflix Thanksgiving Break can be a great time to work on some things that can help you come back to campus more prepared for our programs and events – like your resume!

The Internship & Job Fair is coming up in early Spring Semester (February 1st) and we encourage students to complete a resume review before attending a fair, field trip, or applying to an internship or summer job.  Thanksgiving Break is a great time to work on this!

If you have a resume from high school, you may find that you need less lists of activities and awards and more description of your relevant experiences and skills. For most undergraduate students who are pursuing internships, a one page resume will be appropriate. Formatting and layout can vary, but here are some general tips that anyone can follow to make an effective and professional resume:

  1. Check out the Resume Basics presentation.
  2. Log into the Bridge through my Career Center and search under Guidance > CDC Handouts & Guides with the keyword of “resume” for the handouts and samples.
  3. We recommend using a plain Word document instead of a template – more flexibility to move sections around and format the way you want it.
  4. Don’t know how to format in Word? Check out Bucknell’s subscription to


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